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Family Cycling Tour

Cambria sits just off of Highway 1, part of a long strip of beautiful towns on the Central Coast. The beautiful views and rolling, mountainous terrain makes Cambria the perfect starting point for many shorter cycling routes, but it is also a convenient and worthwhile stop on longer cycling rides along the coast!

The Linton family learned this first hand when they packed up their gear and strapped it to their bikes for a week-long adventure along the Pacific Ocean. Joe and his wife Carrie, accompanied by their three-year-old daughter Maeve, spent their time cycling, exploring and enjoying the scenery on their trip.

In the piece Joe wrote for the Streets Blog LA, he said, “It is my hope that by telling a bit about our trip, I can encourage others to do the same. The California coast is a relatively easy place to bike-tour, and, of course, very scenic.” We totally agree!

Joe and his family arrived in Cambria on day six of their trip. They picked up some chain grease at the Cambria Bike Kitchen and stopped at Shamel Community Park for some family playtime. According to Joe, this was one of Maeve’s favorite stops on the trip! While they camped during part of the trip, the Lintons stayed at the Cambria Palms Motel for one night. (There are many options for lodging in Cambria suitable for cyclists—you can check them out here.)

Joe has some great tips on traveling with young kids, as well as how to plan the legs of your trip that aren’t on two wheels; he and his family took the train from LA, so if you don’t live on the Central Coast that might be a great option for you! He also has some advice for those interested in bike-touring in general, like planning on doing most of your cycling in the morning. Check out the rest of Joe’s blog here!
